"Who among you is like me?”


👉 Huzur  - Hamare Jesse NAHI he (4 Hadiths)

👉 Prophet Muhammad  is NOT Like Us


Narrated Anas (RA):

The Holy Prophet  صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم fasted Al-Wisal on the last days of the month. Some people did the same, and when the news reached the Prophet صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم
he said, "If the month had been prolonged for me, then I would have fasted Wisal for such a long time that the most exaggerating ones among you would have given up their exaggeration.
[Volume 9, Book 90, Number 347]

I am not like you; my Lord always makes me eat and drink."

Volume 9, Book 90, Number 348

Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle forbade Al-Wisal. The people said (to him),
"But you fast Al-'Wisal,"
He said,
"Who among you is like me?

When I sleep (at night), my Lord makes me eat and drink.But when the people refused to give up Al-Wisal, he fasted Al-Wisal along with them for two days and then they saw the crescent whereupon the Prophet said, "If the crescent had not appeared I would have fasted for a longer period," as if he intended to punish them herewith.

The Nobel Quran:

"And the chiefs of those people who disbelieved and belied the presence of the Hereafter and whom We gave comfort in the life of the world, said, 'he is not but a man like you, he eats of that what you eat and drinks of at what you drink." [23:33]

As for the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) being a bashar or 'human being', there is no doubt of this, because it is Qur'an and 'aqida.

Yet the Qur'an does not simply state that he is a human being, but rather says,

'say: i am a man (bashar) like you, it is revealed (WAHI) to me that your god is One God'.(41:6)

This is one ayaah from the Quran and the differentia of revelation(wahi) would have been enough for its sincere understanding, nevertheless, topical exegesis(tafseer mauzoey) means to read all the ayaat of the Quran and sahih hadith about a single concept and then make a judgement.

Wahabis/Deobandis, actually, most of them give this Ayah to prove that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is only a Bashr and notNoor:

"Say! I am a human being like you," [18:110]

Ask the Wahhabi/Salafi-Deobandis...etc

"Say!" to whom ? Muslims or to Kuffars?

 Also Ask them!  Which part of this Ayah indicates that our Prophet (
Sallallahu Alaihe-e-Wa-Sallam) is not Noor.?

It does not says that our Prophet (PBUH) is not Noor, but it states that out Holy Prophet (PBUH) is Bashr, which we Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammah believe. ALHUMDULILLAH!

First of all ayaah is saying i'm like you and NOT you are like me!

Imam Razi (d.606) in tafseer kabir says "Allah(SWT) commanded the Prophet(S) to set an example for modesty and humility (tawazo) that is the purpose of the ayaah".

Secondly, the reason for this is that 'your god is One God' this ayah came to SAVE Tauheed and not to demean Prophethood because look, Quran says that jews called Uzair (A) son of God(9:30), why because He performed miracles, which they could not comprehend.

Imagine the untold miracles Rasool Allah(SWT) performed so there was a danger that these people would call him God so Allah(SWT) revealed the ayaah with Your God is One at the end of it.

Thirdly, first person to focus upon Prophets being bashar was the shaytan himself, more details in the Quran. Remember, we are looking at all ayaat on 'Missal'(likeness) and 'Bashar'(Man like us).

Allah(SWT) in the Quran mentions and quotes kuffar saying to the Prophets(PBUH) you are a man like us to deny their Prophethood, to quote just three out of many:

Namrood and company says to Ibraheem (A)you are a man(bashar) like(missal) us. (11:27)

 and company says to Moosa (A) you are a man(bashar) like(missal) us.(26:186)

Abu Jahal and co says to Muhammad Mustafa(S): you are a man (bashar) like(missal) us.

Allah(SWT) in these ayaat is not praising namrood, firaun and abu jahal but rather condemning their aqeedah.

Wahabi/Deobandi say:
“Actually, it is angels that are created from noor. Hadhrat Aisha said [r.a]:Angels are created from noor.”

ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab an-Najdi writes:

"There is a hadith in which Rasulu'llah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) stated:'I was a Prophet even when Adam (peace be upon him) was between clay and water [i.e. in the process of being created]

[Hadith transmitted by at-Tirmidhi, Ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab, Mukhtasar Sirat ar-Rasul;, al-Bayhaqi, Ahmad, al-Hakim and adh-adh-Dhahabi declare it to be sahih]

Qasida al-Burda [Ode of the Prophetic Mantle] by al-Busayri:
Muhammad is a human being, but not like humankind;
He is a ruby, while people are as stones.
Not like: Wahabi/Salafi and Deobandi...etc

Safiya, the daughter of Abdul Muttalib relates;
“I was present the night theProphet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihe-e-Wa-Sallam) was born. At the very moment of birth I saw a great light appear. During the night, I beheld six signs. The first was that the instant the holy child was born. He bent down his head and performed a prostration. The second, that he lifted up his blessed head and spoke clearly and distinctly these words: La ilaha illAllah inni RasulAllah (None worthy of worship except Allah, I am the Messenger of Allah). The third, that a great light was manifested. The fourth that when I wished to wash the child, I heard a voice speaking to me that said, ‘Oh Safiya, do not trouble yourself, we have already washed and cleansed him.’ The fifth sign was that he was bornalready circumcised, and his umbilical cord was cut. The sixth sign was when I looked for something with which to swaddle the child, I noticed upon his back a certain mark. Looking at it closely, I was able to read the words: ‘La ilaha illAllah Muhammad RasulAllah’ (None worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah).”

Safiyah also said, “When he prostrated himself, he spoke some words in secret. I bent my ear to his blessed lips to hear what he was saying, and I heard him say: ‘Ummatiy, ummatiy (my people, my people).‘”

Hadrat Allama Abdur Rahman Jaami (radi Allahu anhu) narrates that Sayyida Safiya the Aunty of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)states "On the eve of the birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) I was present at his home. I had seen that His Noor became more powerful than the light from the lamp."(Shawaahidun Nubuiwat (Persian) pg 22).

After the demise of the Holy Prophet

صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم

Hadrat Safia (radi Allahu anha) said the following stanza due the sorrow and thought of the demise of The Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) from which one may conclude that she also accepted him as Noor. "I am weeping on the demise of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) who was really Noor."(Tabqaate ibn Sa'ad pg 329 vol 2).

Hazrat Ali Murtuza (R.A) said that when the Beloved of Allah (s.a.w) spoke, Noor used to be seen emerging from between his blessed teeth.
- (Muwahibul Laduniya; Anwaarul Muhammadiyah)

Hazrat Abu Hurairah
 (R.A) states that when the Beloved Prophet (s.a.w) smiled, the walls use to glow with his Noor.
- (Muwahibul Laduniya; Shifa Shareef)

Hazrat Anas (R.A) states that the day in which the Rasulallah (s.a.w) arrived in Madinatul Munawwarah, everything in Madinatul Munawwarah became bright through his Noor.
- (Tirmizi Shareef; Ibn Majah)

Ummul Mumineen, Hazrat Aisha (R.A) is recorded to have said: "In total dark nights,I used to put the thread into a needle with the help of the Noor of Rasulallah (s.a.w)."
- (Shara Shifa Bar Hashia Naseemur Riaz)

Hazrat Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifa
 (R.A) praises Rasulallah (s.a.w) in the following poem: "You are such Noor that the full Moon is brightened by your Noor, and you are with your beauty and elegance a shining sun."
- (Qasidatul Nu'maan)

In Fath Al Bari it is narrated that Prophet Muhammad e spoke when he first was born.
Ibn Sab' mentioned that Prophet Muhammad’s e cradle was rocked by the angels.

Ibn Abbas t said that al-Shayma'a t, the Prophet's foster sister, witnessed that as a boy a cloud shaded the Prophet e. It stopped when he stopped, and moved when he moved. He grew up like no other boy.

Muhammad صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم was born without an umbilical (navel) cord,circumcised and his body miraculously pureand clean without any kind of blood or dirt on it.”

Also see: (Ibn Hisham, Sirat al Nabi - Ibn Sa’d, Kitab ul-Tabaqat ul-Kabir)

Is the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) like us? 

Shaykh Yaqoubi


A response to those who say the 'Prophet  is like me & you'

Watch video:Here

“I am not like you…”

“Who among you is like me?”